The Food Waste Problem has a major impact on the environment, economy, and people living in underdeveloped countries. It is important that we find ways to solve this problem and reduce the waste. There are several methods to do this, and this article will explore some of them. Environmental impact Food waste has a serious impact on the environment. It is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, releasing methane into the atmosphere. It is also a significant contributor to air pollution. The environmental impact of food production mainly stems from the use of resources and the energy required for transporting food to the end user. There are three stages in the production chain, namely growing, processing, and consumption. The environmental impact of food production varies according to the type of crop used. For example, it is estimated that growing one apple requires 125 litres of water. Freshwater is a precious resource and is utilized by farmers and livestock to irrigate crops and drink water. A recent study in Israel looked at the environmental impact of wasted food. In the United States, the amount of food waste produced is staggering. Each year, Americans